Who we are

    Crimson Boards found its roots as a passion project between two friends with a shared love for gaming and tech. After searching for the right keypad to use for our projects and games, we ultimately came to the conclusion that something suited to all of our needs did not exist. We would either be let down by crude software, awkward designs or limited customisation.

    After graduating university, we set out to realise the vision of what we believed to be the ideal compact, gaming and productivity focused keypad. Using our combined knowledge and the desire to create something we'd love we created the K-3B. Completely customisable, built from scratch and designed completely in the United Kingdom.

    We loved every bit of creating K-3B and we hope you, dear customer, love it too. Looking ahead we have ambitious goals, we're always experimenting and thinking of new ways to do things. We're already hard at work creating K-3B's bigger, more functionality-based brother, but that's top secret ;).

    Crimson Boards

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